Welcome to Bella's Blessings

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Last Updated:
1/13/2025 1:15 PM


  Bella's Blessings

The backstory...

Bella was adopted in 2007 after all of her siblings had been scooped up. She was the only mix in a purebred litter and no one wanted her. Little did anyone know, she made THE BEST friend a girl could ask for. She was even-tempered, playful, mischievous, loving, quiet and oh so gentle. Bella was my one constant through divorce/separation, a cancer scare, kids growing up and leaving the nest, injuries and life. In 2016, we began working with a rescue. We fostered well over 100 bottle babies (kittens and puppies), puppies, adult dogs and expectant or whelping moms. Bella was always willing to take on the role of mom or 2nd mom to all. In October 2021, we chose to leave the organization we were with, due to life issues and Bella's age (immunocompromised) although we never stopped fostering a select few. By early 2023, it had become apparent that cancer was winning the battle and she was beginning to slow down dramatically. On April 3, 2023, I had to say my final goodbyes to my best friend. I have been completely heartbroken since, but have now chosen to honor Bella and her maternal nature by focusing on the ones she loved helping the most. Welcome to Bella's Blessings! 

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